Founded in 2019


AmerKorAsian was created to help people become better investors. I believe that most people don't understand how to invest for their future. This isn't because most people are not as smart as professional traders, it's because most people either don't have any interest in understanding how the markets work, or they don't have the time to learn how to invest wisely. And until recently, it was expensive to trade investments as an individual investor unless you had a lot of money. All of the viewable pies on the website, excluding the Vanguard pie, were created to cover how different types of investors invest their money in the stock market. AmerKorAsian created these pies for educational purposes to show that as long as there is a plan for how or what you would like to invest in, money can be successfully made in the markets.

If you have looked through the website and notice that all positions held within a pie is only partially shown, that's because AmerKorAsian uses a prorprietary system analyzing different trade signals to adjust positions within each pie as needed. Most investment banks show exactly what positions are held within a fund, but that's because these funds hold hundreds of different investments. Excluding the AKA fund, all of AmerKorAsian's pies hold fewer than 25 positions, with most only holding around 15 positions. This is why only the top 3 positions in each pie is shown.

And lastly, AmerKorAsian follows the following rules when analyzing the portfolio before making any adjustments:

1) Plan you trade and trade your plan.
2) Fibonacci Fibonacci Fibonacci
3) Keep losses small
4) Ignore the talking heads unless it's the 80's band that sings "And She Was"
5) Don't forget Rule #1 .


AmerKorAsian invests based on a long-term horizon and focuses on the company’s fundamentals. No investment advice is neither given or asked for by AmerKorAsian. All investment decisions are made solely by AmerKorAsian without regard to outside factors.

AmerKorAsian tries to achieve an annualized rate of return (ARR) of 12.4%, the same ARR that has been achieved since 2004 in the Vanguard Pie. Although this rate of return might seem hard to achieve when adding other investment pies, AmerKorAsian believes that by sticking to your investment rules and only selecting companies you know well, the returns should be comparable across investments.


The reason why Ryan Holland, the founder, decided to create AmerKorAsian is because he wanted to be able to help people be successful with investing.

People believe that a good annual return on investment is between 6%-8%. Since 2004, AmerKorAsian has had an annualized return 5.5%-10% higher than this benchmark, which includes the years that the markets were down because of the Global Housing Market Crash that began in 2007. Like Warren Buffett, AmerKorAsian believes that if you select good stocks, you don’t need to change positions frequently. A perfect example of holding the same positions for the long term can be seen in the Vanguard Pie. This pie has only changed positions a couple times since its inception in 2004.

AmerKorAsian hasn't been profitable every year, but AmerKorAsian can promise that over the long-term, sound investing can provide a good annualized return. These results can be seen by looking at the monthly returns all the pies have achieved since being created at the beginning of 2019. AmerKorAsian did create 2 new pies, the AKA Fund, because of COVID-19, that was completed May, 2020; and the Popular Stocks Fund, that was created April 2021.
AmerKorAsian consistently goes through many different scenarios to make sure the risk/reward meets the guidelines set forth by AmerKorAsian to preserve capital by limiting losses.

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